How to Pick Kayak Paddle Size? Expert Tips 2023

In preparation for my kayaking adventure, I asked myself how to choose the right paddle size. I felt a little lost when faced with so many options. During my journey, I figured out that paddle length, blade shape, and material matter. The art of kayaking became more and more evident with every kayak paddle stroke. Still, one question remained: What size paddle would fit me best? Here, I will explain all the confusion surrounding paddle lengths.

But Here’s Quick guide for you

Select a kayak paddle size by considering your height; for paddlers under 5’5″, opt for a paddle around 210-220cm, while taller individuals may prefer 230-240cm. Additionally, factor in your paddling style—high-angle strokes often suit longer paddles (230-240cm), while shorter paddles (210-220cm) are ideal for low-angle strokes.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Kayak Paddle 

A well-suited paddle can greatly enhance your kayaking experience, making it smoother, more efficient, and more enjoyable.

Choosing The Right Kayak Paddle

1. Efficiency and Performance:

The paddle you choose directly affects your paddling efficiency and overall performance on the water. A properly sized paddle allows you to generate maximum power with each stroke while minimizing fatigue.

A too short or long paddle can result in wasted energy and inefficient strokes. Selecting a paddle with the correct length and blade shape can optimize your paddling technique and propel yourself through the water more effectively.

2. Comfort and Ergonomics:

Using a paddle that fits comfortably in your hands and promotes proper paddling technique is crucial for long hours on the water.

Look for a paddle with ergonomic grips that reduce strain on your wrists and provide a comfortable grip. Additionally, consider the paddle’s weight, as a lighter paddle will be easier to maneuver and less tiring during extended trips.

3. Paddling Style and Water Conditions:

Different paddling styles and water conditions require specific paddle features. For example, a high-angle paddle stroke, commonly used in whitewater kayaking, requires a shorter and wider blade for quick and powerful strokes.

On the other hand, a low-angle stroke, often used in recreational kayaking, benefits from a longer and narrower blade for smoother and more relaxed paddling. Consider the type of water you will be paddling in and your preferred style to select a paddle that complements your needs.

4. Material and Durability:

Each material offers different levels of durability, weight, and cost. Aluminum paddles are more affordable but can be heavier and less efficient. Choose a paddle material that suits your budget and intended usage.

Read More: What Burns More Calories Kayaking or Paddle Boarding?

How to Pick Kayak Paddle Size? 5 Steps

Choosing the correct kayak paddle size is essential for comfortable and efficient paddling. You should know how to pick kayak paddle size. Here are some tips to help you pick the right kayak paddle size:

Step 1: What Type of Kayaking Do You Enjoy?

The first consideration when choosing a kayak paddle size is the type of kayaking you enjoy. Different types of kayaking require different paddle sizes for optimal performance.

  • A shorter paddle is usually more suitable for recreational kayaking, where you paddle leisurely on calm waters. It provides easier maneuverability and is less tiring for casual paddling.
  • Longer paddle is recommended if you are into touring or sea kayaking, where you cover long distances. It provides better efficiency and helps you maintain a steady pace over extended periods.
  • A shorter paddle is preferred for whitewater kayaking or surf kayaking, where you navigate rapids or waves. It allows for quick and powerful strokes needed in these dynamic environments.

Step 2: High-Angle Vs. Low-Angle – Which Style Suits You?

The next factor to consider is your paddling style. There are two main styles: high-angle and low-angle. Determining which style suits you will help you choose the right kayak paddle size.

  • High-angle paddling involves a more aggressive stroke with a higher paddle angle. It provides more power and is commonly used in whitewater or for paddlers who want a faster cadence. For high-angle paddling, a shorter paddle is usually preferred.
  • Low-angle paddling, on the other hand, involves a more relaxed stroke with a lower paddle angle. It is commonly used in recreational or touring kayaking, where efficiency and endurance are key. For low-angle paddling, a longer paddle is generally recommended.

Step 3: Paddle Length and Kayak Width – Matching Your Height and Kayak Size

Taller paddlers generally require longer paddles, while shorter paddlers need shorter ones. A general guideline is to add two inches to the paddle length for every six inches of height.

Kayak width is another crucial factor. Wider kayaks require longer paddles to reach the water comfortably. Add a few inches to the recommended paddle length if your kayak is wider.

Step 4: What Do You Want to Achieve on the Water?

Consider what you want to achieve on the water when choosing a kayak paddle size.

If speed and efficiency are your primary goals, a longer paddle can provide more power with each stroke. For maneuverability and ease of use, a shorter paddle is more suitable.

It provides quicker acceleration and easier control, making it ideal for navigating tight spaces or performing maneuvers.

Step 5: What’s Your Budget for Unforgettable Kayaking Experiences?

Consider your budget when selecting a kayak paddle size. Paddle prices can vary significantly based on materials, construction, and features.

While they offer better performance, they might not be necessary for all paddlers. Consider your skill level and the frequency of your kayaking adventures.

It’s important to note that the right kayak paddle size should always be prioritized over cost. A properly sized paddle will ensure comfort and efficiency and prevent unnecessary strain or fatigue. Now you know how to pick kayak paddle size.

Read More: Why are Kayak Paddles Offset

6 Benefits of Short Kayak Paddle

One crucial piece of equipment for any kayaker is the paddle. Paddles come in various sizes, and choosing the right paddle size is essential for an enjoyable and efficient kayaking experience. While longer paddles are often favored for their reach and power, there are several benefits to using a shorter kayak paddle size.

1. Maneuverability

One of the primary advantages of using a shorter kayak paddle is improved maneuverability. A shorter paddle allows for quicker and more precise movements in the water.

It enables kayakers to execute tight turns, navigate around obstacles, and maneuver through narrow waterways with ease.

Whether exploring a winding river or tackling technical whitewater, a shorter paddle size gives you the control and responsiveness needed to maneuver effectively.

2. Reduced Fatigue

Using a shorter kayak paddle can significantly reduce fatigue during extended kayaking trips. Longer paddles require more energy expenditure due to their larger surface area, which can lead to muscle fatigue over time.

This reduced fatigue enables kayakers to paddle for more extended periods without experiencing excessive strain on their muscles, making it ideal for touring or multi-day kayaking adventures.

3. Increased Cadence

A shorter paddle size facilitates a higher cadence or stroke rate. With less surface area to move through the water, kayakers can maintain a faster rhythm, increasing speed and efficiency.

A quicker cadence is particularly advantageous when rapid acceleration or frequent directional changes are required, such as in whitewater or sea kayaking through tidal currents.

4. Improved Technique

Using a shorter kayak paddle can help improve your paddling technique. With a shorter paddle, you’re encouraged to maintain a more upright paddling position, which promotes better body posture and alignment. This correct posture not only reduces the risk of injury but also enhances your stroke efficiency.

Shorter paddles also encourage a more relaxed grip and a lighter touch on the water, facilitating a smoother and more controlled stroke. Using a shorter paddle naturally develops a more efficient and effective paddling technique over time.

5. Enhanced Stability

Shorter kayak paddles can contribute to increased stability while paddling. When paddling with a longer paddle, the blade’s extended reach can increase body movements and leaning, which may compromise stability.

However, a shorter paddle size keeps the blade closer to the kayak’s centerline, minimizing the need for excessive body movements. This improved stability is particularly beneficial for beginners or those paddling in challenging conditions where maintaining balance is crucial.

6. Ideal for Small Kayaks and Low-Angle Paddling

Shorter kayak paddles are especially suitable for smaller kayaks, such as recreational or touring kayaks, and low-angle paddling techniques.

The reduced paddle length allows for more comfortable strokes in smaller cockpit spaces, ensuring that your paddle doesn’t hit the sides of the kayak during each stroke.

Additionally, low-angle paddling techniques, where the blade remains closer to the water’s surface, are better suited to shorter paddles. They provide a shallower, more relaxed stroke that maximizes efficiency and minimizes strain on the shoulders and upper body.


Selecting the right kayak paddle is essential for optimizing your performance, comfort, and enjoyment on the water. 

When deciding, consider factors such as efficiency, comfort, paddling style, water conditions, and material. Investing in a paddle that suits your needs and preferences can enhance your kayaking experience and make every stroke count. We hope now you know how to pick kayak paddle size.

FAQs About Choosing The Right Kayak Paddle 

How do I know my paddle size?

Consider your height, kayak width, and paddling style to determine your paddle size. A general guideline is to add 2 inches for every 6 inches of height. Taller paddlers generally require longer paddles, while shorter paddlers need shorter ones. Additionally, wider kayaks may require longer paddles to reach the water comfortably.

How long is a 240 cm kayak paddle?

A 240 cm kayak paddle is approximately 94.5 inches long. It is important to note that paddle length is typically measured in centimeters.

How do I know if my kayak paddle is too short?

If your kayak paddle feels too short, there are a few signs to look out for. You may experience difficulty reaching the water comfortably, causing your strokes to feel inefficient and potentially leading to strain or discomfort in your shoulders and back.