How To Put A Trolling Motor On A Kayak?

You should learn the answer to “how to put a trolling motor on a kayak?” I will explore the reasons why kayakers opt for trolling motors, the benefits they offer, the various types of trolling motors available, how to choose the right trolling motor for your kayak, and step-by-step instructions on how to put a trolling motor on your kayak.

Kayaking offers a serene and environmentally friendly way to explore the waters, whether gliding through calm lakes, cruising along winding rivers, or even embarking on exciting fishing adventures. While paddling with a traditional kayak paddle is the norm, some kayakers choose to enhance their kayaking experience by adding a trolling motor to their kayak.

What is a Trolling Motor?

A trolling motor is an electric or battery-powered motor specifically designed for quiet and precise propulsion in boats. Trolling motors are commonly used in various vessels, from small fishing boats to kayaks. These motors are versatile, allowing for precise speed and direction control, making them ideal for fishing and navigation in calm waters.

Why Put a Trolling Motor on a Kayak?

Adding a trolling motor to your kayak can transform your kayaking experience in several ways. Here are some compelling reasons why kayakers choose to install trolling motors:

Benefits of Using a Trolling Motor on a Kayak:

  1. Increased Speed and Power: Trolling motors provide an additional power source, allowing you to cover more distance in less time than traditional paddling.
  2. Improved Maneuverability: Trolling motors offer precise control over the direction and speed of your kayak, making it easier to navigate through various water conditions and access specific fishing spots.
  3. Reduced Fatigue: With a trolling motor assisting your paddling efforts, you can reduce physical strain and enjoy longer outings without excessive fatigue.
  4. Ability to Troll for Fish: Trolling is a popular fishing technique that involves dragging lures or bait through the water at a controlled speed. A trolling motor enables you to maintain a consistent trolling speed, increasing your chances of catching fish.

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Different Types of Trolling Motors

Before putting a trolling motor on your kayak, it’s essential to understand the different types of trolling motors available. The choice of trolling motor type depends on your kayak’s design and intended use.

Different Types of Trolling Motors

1. Transom-Mount Trolling Motors

Transom-mount trolling motors are the most common type used on kayaks. They are typically mounted on the kayak’s transom, which is the rear end. These motors are relatively easy to install and provide sufficient power for most kayaking activities.


  • Easy to install.
  • Suitable for a wide range of kayak types.
  • Generally cost-effective.


  • It may not offer the same level of maneuverability as bow-mount or side-mount motors.

2. Bow-Mount Trolling Motors

Bow-mount trolling motors are mounted on the front (bow) of the kayak. They offer superior maneuverability and control, allowing you to precisely steer and position your kayak. Anglers favor bow-mount motors to hold a kayak in place against currents.


  • Exceptional maneuverability and control.
  • Ideal for fishing applications.
  • Excellent for holding position in moving water.


  • Installation can be more complex than transom-mount motors.
  • It may require more space on the kayak’s bow.

3. Side-Mount Trolling Motors

Side-mount trolling motors are mounted on the kayak’s side, providing exceptional maneuverability. These motors are less common but can turn the kayak in any direction, making them suitable for specialized uses.


  • Outstanding maneuverability, allowing for 360-degree rotation.
  • Suitable for applications that require precise positioning.


  • Installation can be more challenging.
  • It may be more expensive than other trolling motor types.

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How to Choose the Right Trolling Motor for Your Kayak

Selecting the right trolling motor for your kayak is a crucial decision that depends on several factors. Consider the following when choosing a trolling motor:

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Trolling Motor:

  1. Kayak Size and Weight: Ensure that the trolling motor’s thrust rating matches the size and weight of your kayak. A larger kayak may require a more powerful trolling motor.
  2. Trolling Motor Thrust: Thrust measures a trolling motor’s power. Higher thrust ratings provide more power, enabling better performance in challenging conditions.
  3. Trolling Motor Voltage: Trolling motors come in various voltage options, typically 12-volt, 24-volt, or 36-volt. Select a voltage that matches your kayak’s power supply capacity. Higher voltage motors offer more power but require larger and heavier batteries.
  4. Trolling Motor Features: Consider additional features such as variable speed control, reverse functionality, and GPS capabilities. These features can enhance your kayaking experience but may come at an added cost.

How to Put a Trolling Motor on a Kayak | Step By Step Guide

Now that you’ve chosen the right trolling motor for your kayak, it’s time to install it. So, how to put a trolling motor on a kayak? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put a trolling motor on your kayak:

How to Put a Trolling Motor on a Kayak

Tools and Materials:

  • Trolling motor
  • Mounting bracket
  • Battery
  • Battery box
  • Wiring
  • Electrical tape
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench


  1. Choose the Right Location: Select a suitable location for the trolling motor on your kayak. Ensure that it does not interfere with paddling or fishing activities. The ideal spot should be accessible and secure.
  2. Mount the Trolling Motor Bracket: Secure the mounting bracket to the chosen location on the kayak. Use bolts or screws to ensure a sturdy attachment. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation.
  3. Attach the Trolling Motor: Fix the trolling motor onto the mounting bracket according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Ensure that it is securely fastened and aligned correctly.
  4. Install the Battery and Battery Box: Position the battery box in a secure location within the kayak. Place the battery inside the box and secure it using straps or bungee cords to prevent movement during kayaking.
  5. Connect the Battery to the Trolling Motor: Connect the battery to the trolling motor using the provided wiring. Follow the wiring diagram provided by the trolling motor manufacturer. Ensure that all connections are secure.
  6. Insulate Electrical Connections: To prevent water damage and ensure safety, insulate all electrical connections with electrical tape. This step is crucial to protect against potential electrical hazards.
  7. Test the Trolling Motor: Before heading out on the water, test the trolling motor to ensure it functions correctly. Check the controls, speed settings, and steering. Confirm that the kayak responds as expected.
  8. Secure Loose Wiring: Bundle and secure any loose wiring to prevent tangling or interference with your paddling or fishing gear.
  9. Double-Check Installation: Before launching your kayak, double-check that all components are securely fastened and that there are no loose or dangling wires. Ensure that the trolling motor is properly aligned and functional.

Congratulations! Your trolling motor is now successfully installed on your kayak, and you’re ready to experience the benefits of powered propulsion.

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Additional Considerations

While the steps outlined above provide a general guide for installing a trolling motor on your kayak, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

Transom-Mount Trolling Motors
  1. Transom-Mount Trolling Motors:

Transom-mount trolling motors are the most common kayak choice due to their simplicity and compatibility with various kayak designs. When choosing a transom-mount motor, ensure that it aligns with the size and weight of your kayak.

  1. Bow-Mount Trolling Motors:

Bow-mount trolling motors offer superior maneuverability, making them an excellent angler choice. However, installation can be more complex, and they may require more space on your kayak’s bow. Ensure that your kayak can accommodate a bow-mount trolling motor.

  1. Side-Mount Trolling Motors:

Side-mount trolling motors provide exceptional maneuverability with 360-degree rotation. These motors are suitable for specialized applications. Consider the complexity of installation and budget when choosing a side-mount motor.

  1. Voltage:

The voltage of the trolling motor should match your kayak’s power supply capacity. Higher voltage motors provide more power but require larger and heavier batteries. Ensure that your battery can handle the chosen voltage.

  1. Thrust:

Trolling motor thrust is a critical factor that determines the motor’s power. Choose a trolling motor with adequate thrust to propel your kayak effectively, especially in challenging conditions.

  1. Features:

Trolling motors have various features, such as variable speed control, reverse functionality, and GPS capabilities. While these features can enhance your kayaking experience, they may also impact your budget. Consider your specific needs and preferences when selecting a trolling motor with additional features. Now you know the answer – how to put a trolling motor on a kayak?

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Safety Tips

Safety should always be a top priority when kayaking, whether you’re using a trolling motor or not. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind:

Safety Tips For Kayaking
  1. Always Wear a Life Jacket: Regardless of your kayaking skill level, always wear a properly fitting life jacket (personal flotation device) when on the water. It can save your life in emergencies.
  2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay close attention to your surroundings while kayaking, especially in areas with boat traffic or changing water conditions.
  3. Avoid Kayaking in Windy or Choppy Conditions: High winds and rough waters can pose risks to kayakers, especially when using a trolling motor. Choose calm weather conditions for your outings.
  4. Check the Weather Forecast: Before heading out, check the weather forecast for your kayaking location. Sudden weather changes can be dangerous.
  5. Let Someone Know Your Plans: Always inform a trusted friend or family member about your kayaking plans, including your intended route and estimated return time. This ensures that someone can raise the alarm if you do not return as planned.


In summary, installing a trolling motor on your kayak can significantly enhance your kayaking experience by providing increased speed, improved maneuverability, reduced fatigue, and the ability to engage in trolling for fish. By carefully selecting the right trolling motor for your kayak and following the installation steps, you can enjoy the benefits of powered propulsion on the water. 

Remember to prioritize safety, wear a life jacket, and be vigilant about your surroundings while kayaking. With the right trolling motor and safety measures in place, you can embark on exciting adventures and explore the waters with confidence. I hope now you know “how to put a trolling motor on a kayak?”