Is Kayaking a Good Exercise? Experienced Guide 2023

Being an exercise enthusiast, I always wonder is kayaking a good exercise for me or not. My fellow kayak anglers like me you might also have the same questions so let’s learn together. I will explore the world of kayaking as a form of exercise and its physical and mental benefits. Moreover is it beneficial in terms of burning calories or not?

A Quick Look: Absolutely! Kayaking rocks as a workout! Burn around 300-450 calories per hour, tone up arms, shoulders, and core, all while cruising on the water. It’s a fun and chill way to stay fit!

What Kayaking is all about?

what is kayaking

Before I dive into the exercise aspect of kayaking, let’s briefly explain what kayaking is. Kayaking involves paddling a small boat called a kayak, typically propelled by a double-bladed paddle.

Kayaks come in various shapes and sizes, designed for different types of water, including lakes, rivers, and oceans. The kayaker sits inside the kayak with their legs stretched out, using their arms and upper body strength to paddle and steer.

What are the Different Types of Kayaking?

Kayaking offers a wide range of experiences, and there are different types of kayaking to suit various preferences and skill levels:

How Many Calories Do You Burn Kayaking
  • Recreational Kayaking: Ideal for beginners, recreational kayaking takes place on calm waters like lakes and slow-moving rivers. It’s a leisurely way to enjoy the outdoors and nature.
  • Touring Kayaking: Touring kayaks are designed for longer trips, offering more storage space for gear and improved tracking in the water. This type of kayaking is great for exploring larger bodies of water.
  • Sea Kayaking: Sea kayaking involves paddling along coastlines and exploring sea caves. It’s an adventure-filled experience requiring more skill due to potential ocean currents and waves.
  • Whitewater Kayaking: For thrill-seekers, whitewater kayaking involves navigating through fast-moving rivers and challenging rapids. This type of kayaking demands advanced paddling skills and is physically demanding.
  • Kayak Fishing: Anglers often use kayaks for fishing in places difficult to reach by land. Fishing kayaks are designed with specialized features for storing fishing gear.
  • Kayak Racing: Competitive kayaking involves sprint or marathon races in kayaks specially designed for speed and agility.

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Kayaking

Kayaking offers a wide range of benefits, both physical and mental. Here are some of the advantages of taking up kayaking:

Physical Benefits

physical benefit of kayak

1. Cardiovascular Health

Kayaking is an excellent cardiovascular workout. Paddling vigorously increases your heart rate and improves your cardiovascular fitness over time. It helps boost circulation, which is good for your heart and overall health.

2. Muscular Strength and Endurance

Kayaking engages several major muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, back, and core. Regular kayaking can help strengthen these muscles and improve endurance, making everyday activities easier.

3. Flexibility and Balance

You need good flexibility and balance to control your kayak and paddle effectively. Kayaking can help you develop core stability and flexibility as you twist and turn to steer your kayak.

4. Weight Loss

Kayaking can effectively burn calories, making it a helpful tool for weight loss and maintenance. The physical effort required for paddling can help you shed excess pounds when combined with a balanced diet.

Mental Benefits

1. Stress Reduction

Spending time on the water, surrounded by nature, can be incredibly relaxing. Kayaking provides an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, reducing stress levels and promoting mental well-being.

2. Mood Improvement

Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Kayaking can contribute to an improved mood and reduced feelings of anxiety or depression.

3. Increased Self-Confidence

Learning and mastering new kayaking skills can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Overcoming challenges on the water can give you a sense of accomplishment.

4. Connection with Nature

Kayaking allows you to connect with the natural world. Whether paddling on a calm lake or exploring a remote river, you’ll have the opportunity to observe wildlife and appreciate the beauty of the outdoors.

Is Kayaking a Good Exercise?

Absolutely! Kayaking provides a full-body workout that engages muscles, burns calories, and offers cardiovascular benefits. So, Is kayaking a good exercise? Here’s why kayaking is considered a good exercise:

is kayaking a good exercise?

I. Physical Exercise

  • Cardiovascular Workout: Paddling a kayak involves continuous upper body movement and using your back, shoulders, and arms. This sustained activity raises your heart rate, improving your cardiovascular fitness and promoting a healthy heart.
  • Muscular Strength and Endurance: Kayaking requires strong arm and core muscles to control the paddle and steer the kayak. The repetitive paddling helps build strength and endurance in these muscle groups.
  • Flexibility and Balance: As you twist and rotate your torso while paddling, your body’s flexibility and balance are challenged and improved. This can particularly benefit those looking to enhance their overall physical capabilities.

II. Calorie Burning

 burns calories

Kayaking can be an effective way to burn calories. The number of calories you burn while kayaking depends on several factors, including:

  • Type of Kayaking: Whitewater kayaking or racing typically burns more calories than recreational kayaking.
  • Intensity: Paddling at a high intensity, such as navigating through rapids or against strong currents, burns more calories than leisurely paddling.
  • Kayaker’s Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories during physical activities.
  • Environmental Conditions: Wind and water conditions can affect the required effort, impacting calorie burn.

III. Duration Matters

To get a good workout from kayaking, aim for at least 30 minutes of paddling. This duration allows you to elevate your heart rate, engage your muscles, and burn calories effectively. However, the longer you kayak, the more calories you can burn, and the greater the fitness benefits.

Tips for Getting a Good Kayaking Workout

To make the most of your kayaking workout, consider these tips:

women sitting on kayak for workout

1. Choose the Right Kayak

Select a kayak that suits your fitness level and experience. Beginners may start with wider, more stable kayaks, while advanced kayakers can opt for sleeker models designed for speed and agility.

2. Safety First

Always prioritize safety when kayaking. Wear a life jacket and take a safety course to learn essential skills like self-rescue techniques.

3. 4. Warm-Up

Before paddling, warm up your body with light stretches and movements to prevent injuries.

Use proper paddling techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your workout and avoid strain. A qualified instructor or experienced kayaker can teach you the right technique.

Take Breaks

Listen to your body and take breaks as needed. Hydrate and rest when necessary to avoid overexertion.

After your kayaking session, perform gentle stretches to cool down your muscles and prevent post-exercise soreness.

Kayaking for Beginners

kayak for beginners

If you’re new to kayaking, starting with the basics is important. Learning about safety and proper paddling techniques is crucial. Consider taking a kayaking lesson from a qualified instructor or learning from a friend or family member with experience. Begin with calm waters and gradually progress to more challenging environments as you gain confidence and skill.

For fitness enthusiasts, kayaking can be an excellent addition to your exercise routine. It offers a unique way to challenge yourself, improve cardiovascular health, build muscular strength and endurance, enhance flexibility and balance, and help with weight management. Now you know the answer – Is kayaking a good exercise?

Kayaking for People with Disabilities

Kayaking is an inclusive activity that can accommodate people with disabilities. Adaptive kayaks and paddling equipment are available to cater to different needs. It’s an opportunity for individuals with physical challenges to enjoy the benefits of kayaking and connect with the natural world.

kayaking for people with disabilities

Kayaking is a great way for everyone, including people with disabilities, to have fun and stay active. Even if someone has trouble moving around or has special needs, they can still enjoy kayaking with some help. In this section, we’ll discuss how kayaking can be accessible for people with disabilities.

1. Special Kayaks and Gear

To make kayaking possible for people with disabilities, there are special kayaks and equipment designed just for them. These adaptations help ensure that kayaking is safe and enjoyable.

These kayaks are built to be extra stable, so they don’t tip over easily. They might have wider hulls or added support to help keep the kayak steady.

For people who use wheelchairs or have trouble getting in and out of a kayak, there are tools to help. These tools make it easier to move from a wheelchair to the kayak’s seat without problems.

2. Different Paddles

Special paddles with easy-to-grip handles or customized designs can make paddling easier for those with limited hand strength or movement.

3. Supportive Gear

Special seats, harnesses, and safety straps provide extra support and stability for people with disabilities while they’re kayaking.

To make kayaking accessible, it’s essential to have easy access to the water. There are special places where people with disabilities can start their kayaking adventure.

4. Smooth Paths

Accessible launch sites have smooth and wide paths, so wheelchairs and other mobility aids can easily get to the water.

These platforms or docks have sturdy handrails and safe surfaces to help people transfer from their wheelchairs to their kayaks without trouble.

5. Special Seating Spots

Some launch sites have designated spots with adjustable benches or chairs for people with disabilities.

These programs are like kayaking clubs for people with disabilities. They provide everything needed for a great kayaking experience.

6. Skilled Instructors

Some instructors know all about kayaking and how to help people with disabilities enjoy it safely.

People with disabilities can get special training to learn the right skills and techniques for kayaking safely and confidently.

Group kayaking sessions allow people with disabilities to enjoy kayaking while making friends and having a good time together.


Kayaking isn’t just a recreational pastime; it’s a fantastic form of exercise that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. It provides a full-body workout, improves cardiovascular health, builds muscular strength and endurance, enhances flexibility and balance, and can aid in weight loss. Beyond the physical advantages, kayaking reduces stress, boosts mood, increases self-confidence, and fosters a deep connection with nature. I hope now you know “Is kayaking a good exercise?”

So, if you’re looking for a fun and effective way to stay active and enjoy the great outdoors, consider trying kayaking. It’s a low-impact activity suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and it can be a rewarding and exhilarating exercise experience.